Mind Management
Your hope is our life – Your well-being is our mission – Your success is our goal
Mindfulness & Beyond
Matashree’s Mind Management is designed to:
The ultimate way to remain mindful of the present
Matashree’s Mind Management
Matashree’s Mind Management is not just training. It is an investment for bringing about positive changes in your life. It is an intellectual exercise for direct realization of one’s true nature and aligning with it. A mere shift in your vision and the consequent change in your thought pattern will eliminate the root cause of all mental pains and improve the quality of your life.
The coroner stone of the program is the exercise for taming the mind through 4 life changing disciplines and 7 practices resulting in calming, refining and gaining control over thought waves. It is structured to trigger an inner quest; to help the mind attain equipoise, bring about desirable transformation in the attitude of a person to experience bliss of an esoteric kind. It is aimed at attaining liberation from bondage and freedom to realize full potential with a view to increase individual productivity & peaceful engagement with life.
Mind Management Workshops
Mind Management
Program Details